During a trip to Berlin, a young Amish in the middle of a rite of passage reconnects with his roots, explores other ways of life, falls in love...
While investigating the global phenomenon of caste and its dark influence on society, a journalist faces unfathomable personal loss and uncovers the...
A group of young people spend the evening in the clubhouse. One of them is Toni, who, as usual, keeps to the background. In the stuffy air of the...
Melodies of Barking Dogs
Ecology, equality, sustainability: Anita and Sarah pursue lofty political goals as they establish a new feminist party. By contrast, the men who are...
Protected Men
"We were seven. Left. Radical. Anarchist. Angry. Tender. Enchanting!" Barbara Teufel's montage of fiction and documentary film elements tells the...
Gallant Girls