The Big Show, the only feature-length motion picture produced by the Miller Brothers, is a behind-the-scenes melodrama set within their show. The...
The Big Show
A Cattlemen´s Association hires a detective (Bob Custer) to look into a series of cattle rustlings. To dismantle the plot, an undercover agent...
Arizona Days
Concern for her father, who is being slowly ruined by cattle rustling, prompts Mary Benson to do some investigating in a distant cattle town, where...
Headin' Westward
Story of a Cowboy who met challenges with action! He matched his fists against another man's diabolical brain!
Captain Cowboy
Henry Weatherby is buying up ranch land to sell as right of way for a new road. When he sends his son Dick and his nephew Pete to kick the Wayne's...
Fighters of the Saddle
When easterner Jack Steel gets into trouble with the law again, his father sends him to his ranch out west. There he and Alice Duncan become...
Manhattan Cowboy
Red Love
Lost in a Big City
Ten Nights in a Bar Room