Early Doors was a TV hit when the sitcom was originally aired on the BBC in 2003 and gained cult status over its twelve-episode run. The cast took...
Early Doors - Live
The unique life and talent of Caroline Aherne is celebrated in a new Arena film, featuring unseen photographs and contributions from a cast of her...
Caroline Aherne: Queen of Comedy
The comedienne stars in this festive sketch show, alongside a host of celebrity guests.
Victoria Wood with All the Trimmings
Documentary celebrating the British sitcom and taking a look at the social and political context from which our favourite sitcoms grew. We enjoy a...
British Sitcom: 60 Years of Laughing at Ourselves
Festive special edition of the hit family sitcom. Inspired by Nigella Lawson, Denise decides to cook Christmas dinner for the family. Jim provides...
The New Sofa
Christmas is coming but Barbara is not happy. Not only has she lost her wedding ring but Jim has won on a scratch card she found down the back of the...
Barbara's Old Ring
Tension mounts in the Royle household as the family contemplates the prospect of becoming fully laminated throughout. Dr Mahmoud prescribes new...
The Queen of Sheba
It is Christmas Day in the Royle household and Barbara is up to her eyes in it, as Jim is out of action following an unfortunate incident in the...
Joe's Crackers
Jim and Barbara have received the gift of money from their children - but what to do with it? Barbara wants to finally go abroad, while Jim favours...
The Golden Egg Cup
Caroline Aherne and Craig Cash discuss the creation of The Royle Family, with a look behind the scenes at the production of the show and interviews...
The Royle Family: Behind the Sofa