The film follows the stories of Chaandi, a transgender, and Kaali, a widow, who decide to defy social rules to become lovers. Will they find peace...
A young, beautiful and rich girl, Dimpy Singh, approaches Samrat Tilakdhari, a private investigator, with a strange case. Their garden got ruined for...
Samrat & Co.
After her father's suicide, Meghna gets led by one obsession - vengeance. The trail ends at her estranged mother's doorstep, sparking a bloody...
1920: Horrors of the Heart
Sayantan Mukherjee’s Action stays true to its name. There’s enough dhishoom-dhishoom, enough drama, enough glam quotient… and...
Shyam comes from the remote areas of Purulia to work as a laborer in the coal mines of the Damodar Valley. The story of Mohan and Shyam will proceed...
Krishna Bhagat is a local bread supplier in three different families of a housing complex - it's the early times of the pandemic setting in. A...
Chalti Rahe Zindagi
"Golmaal Gharana" is a quirky and hilarious film about an eccentric joint family living in an ancestral haveli in Lucknow. The story revolves around...
Golmaal Gharana
A workaholic wakes up to find himself stuck in a time warp. What follows is a series of bizarre events, until he meets a mystery man who gives him...
Chhodo Kal Ki Baatein
Arnab's life turns upside after the authorities press false charges against him and send him to jail. When his wife is killed, he sets out to exact...
A rich man falls in love with an idealistic medical student. However, when circumstances force them apart, he learns the true meaning and value of...
Dui Prithibi
Pratik Choudhury is a young engineer, tasked with constructing a dam across a river in Suryanagar, a fictitious village in Bengal. Along the way he...
Ran and Leela are passionately in love with each other. The only problem is that their respective clans have been enemies for 500 years.
Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela
Chronicles Narendra Modi’s life and events leading up to his swearing-in ceremony as the Prime Minister of India in 2014.
PM Narendra Modi
Debarata, a conflicted Bengali man, adopts the ideologies of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose to instill unity among the Bengali community to fight the...
Ami Subhash Bolchi
'Shrimati' is the story of a middle class, conservative housewife, who falls prey to society's glitz and glamour and in the bargain, loses her own...
Desperate to leave her parents' house and start a new life with her boyfriend Kabir, Sonia agrees to deliver a mysterious package for her friend....